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понедельник, 29 октября 2012 г.

Scientists find new treatment strategies which could be useful in case of obesity

A new research has demonstrated that glucocorticosteroids promote developing fat deposits. These substances have direct influence on androgen receptors that are responsible for decrease body fat levels.
This study is especially precious in our era, when a lot of individuals suffer from obesity. According to affirmations of several scientists, it is necessary to reduce amount of glucocorticosteroids in order to prevent or cure obesity.
When specialists conducted this research, they had the following goal: they attempted to comprehend ways, causes and stages of development of fat deposits. Basing upon results of the study, the specialists have affirmed that androgen receptors should be activated in order to reduce fat accumulation. So, obesity could be cured even at the early stages of development.
The androgen testosterone binds itself to androgen receptors. Thus, androgen receptors become able to control creation of muscle mass, increase lean muscles, etc.
According to the researchers, glucocorticosteroids lower activity of androgen receptors. So, they become ineffective to control creation of muscle mass and decrease of fat accumulation. That’s why fat deposits increase especially in abdominal area.
The scientists say that this study is capable to promote elaborating new ways to cure and prevent obesity. The new methods will be related to glucocorticosteroids and androgen receptors.

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