Buy Steroids Online

вторник, 2 октября 2012 г.

Abbott Laboratories enhanced its profits because of doping case linked with Barry Bonds

One may believe that steroid scandals must have negative influence on pharmaceutical companies that produce these medicines. But manufacturers of these products find methods to take advantages of certain steroid scandals. So, pharmaceutical companies utilize them in order to promote selling own drugs.
Let take as an example the doping case related to the former baseball player Barry Bonds. However one may suggest that this steroid scandal must suppress purchase of some preparations, the reality has manifested opposite things. The pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories could avail itself of the case. The company found many opportunities to promote selling transdermal testosterone because of the accusations linked with Barry Bonds’ doping.
It was stated that Barry Bonds applied the transdermal testosterone product “AndroGel”. Of course, numerous sportswriters published articles about this case. The pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories used this public situation and began to advertise this product. Many Barry Bonds’ fans started purchasing and utilizing this gel. This situation influenced on profits of the company essentially. According to certain sources, the profits of Abbott Laboratories turned out to be great.
Testosterone products are widely recommended and taken. Numerous persons apply them for hormone replacement therapy. The number of steroid prescriptions has increased by 90 % during last five years. So, the number of those that take steroids is growing.
Abbott Laboratories produces and sells the transdermal testosterone product “AndroGel”. Since other companies saw that testosterone gel was in high demand, they also began to manufacture it. So, such preparations, as  AndroDream and Axiron, appeared. While AndroDream is sold by Watson Pharmaceuticals, Axiron is produced by Eli Lilly.
Pharmaceutical companies promote selling their products. They claim that steroids have positive influence on men’s health. It goes without any saying that any company sees that since many men have insufficient secretion of testosterone and since these medicines are taken for obtaining of muscle mass and endurance, the number of potential customers is great.

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