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пятница, 28 декабря 2012 г.

Andy Reid’s son died from heroin overdose

Garrett Reid, a son of the coach Andy Reid, was found unconscious at his dormitory room. Although Omar Elkhamra, the team physician of the Philadelphia Eagles, put efforts to revive him, the efforts of the doctor were in vain. The county coroner concluded that this young man (29 years old) died of a heroin overdose.
Garrett Reid’s death was a serious tragedy for the family of the coach. Moreover, the case caused some problems for the Philadelphia Eagles. The football players had to clear themselves from suspicions related to application of steroids. Several anabolic steroids were found by local police officers in the dormitory of Garret Reid. Moreover, syringes and needles were found in his possession too. The steroids were named by police. It was revealed that Garrett Reid had Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Boldenone Undecylenate, Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate. Since these medications were found at Garrett Reid’s dormitory room, some suspicions appeared. It was noted that the coach’s son probably provided these forbidden preparations to members of the Philadelphia Eagles. So, Garrett Reid’s death turned out to be a trouble for the whole sport organization.
Some of anabolic steroids found at Garrett Reid’ dormitory room are fast-acting. These preparations are commonly liked by sportspersons that submit to drug testing. Since they are excreted from the body in short period of time after intake, it is more difficult to catch those that have taken these drugs. Thus, it is suspected that such medicines must have been taken by players of the Philadelphia Eagles.
Although suspicions exist, nothing has been proven. It was not disclosed yet whether anabolic steroids were found in the system of Garrett Reid.
The NFL spokesman claimed that he would report when it will be clear whether anabolic steroids found in Garrett Reid’s room were linked to Philadelphia Eagles.

Less than 1% of college athletes are caught doping

A few college athletes are caught using banned products. Does it mean that they don’t use doping products? Less than 1% of college football players have been caught violating anti-doping policies. They have tested positive for steroids and/or other doping products. Such situation must convince anti-doping agencies that they win in the fight against doping. But certain suspicions appear. It is believed that numerous college football players use anabolic steroids and/or other related medicines but they avoid detection successfully.
Why do such suspicions appear? Changes in appearance of college football players lead to controversial points of view. Thus, changes in body weight of over 61,000 college football players were lately analyzed by the Associated Press. Results demonstrated that a lot of college football players increased their body mass in short period of time obviously. Over 20 pounds were acquired by more than 4,500 college football players during a year. Furthermore, near 100 persons increased the body weight by more than 80 pounds during a year. As you see, the gains were evident.
Some experts assure that these aspects should not trouble anti-doping agencies. They claim that anti-doping officers shouldn’t subject college football players to drug tests only because they have enhanced body mass significantly.
But other experts have another point of view. Although they agree that it is impossible to be sure that certain football players have taken anabolic steroids and/or other related drugs, basing just upon changes in body mass, they notice that the changes may be a factor which causes suspicions connected with usage of steroids. So, such individuals that have increased body weight in short time should be subjected to drug testing.
Several college athletes that increased body mass obviously in short period of time were asked about their changes. The football players affirmed that they had never taken any forbidden medicines. They claimed that they achieved such amazing changes naturally. The college athletes noted that they had consumed much food for this purpose. So, they claimed that such essential results were achieved by them because of proper nutrition. According to them, it was not difficult to get many pounds in short period of time.

вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.

It is possible to prevent hair loss while using steroids

Steroids are widely taken in medicine and in bodybuilding and sports. Numerous persons use these medicines for improvement of their health. These drugs are recommended to treat certain illnesses. Moreover, a lot of athletes and bodybuilders apply anabolic steroids in order to increase muscle mass, get strength, regenerate exercise-damaged muscles, etc. But several individuals are not ready to assume certain risks connected with these medications. It is known that steroids may lead to several undesirable effects. One of unwanted reactions of these preparations is hair loss. So, certain individuals try to avoid application of anabolic steroids because they don’t want to suffer from this unwanted consequence. Moreover, some persons have genetic predisposition to this problem. If they apply some steroids, they may get baldness.
Luckily, several undesirable effects of anabolic steroids may be prevented or at least reduced and cured. As for hair loss, there are several medications which can help to prevent this problem. There are also such products that have ability to promote re-growth of hair. Those that have to use steroids may apply certain remedies to prevent hair loss or cause re-growth of hair. Which drugs are useful for this purpose?
Since hair loss occurs because of enhanced levels of dihydrotestosterone, certain individuals take Propecia which blocks dihydrotestosterone and prevents hair loss. But this is not the best product for prevention of hair loss while using steroids. Blocking of dihydrotestosterone by Propecia may cause sexual dysfunctions.
Rogaine, Retin-A and Lattisse may be useful. Rogaine has got FDA’s approval for treatment of hair loss. Rogaine may be stacked with Retin-A or Latisse. Rogaine and Latisse can prevent hair loss which may occur because of anabolic steroids. As for Latisse, it is approved by the FDA for eyelash growth. But it is not approved by the FDA to be used in case of hair loss. Nevertheless, it is affirmed by some experts that this preparation may be used for re-growth of hair successfully.

May healthy steroid users get kidney failure while taking steroids correctly?

Anabolic steroids are frequently blamed for various illnesses of users. Of course, these medicines may cause several negative results. Nevertheless, steroids are frequently blamed without any reason. It is reported often by the media that these drugs lead to different health problems, crimes, deaths. But it is important to understand essence of these medications and see when these products should not be blamed.
Let analyze two cases. One of the situations is linked with the former American bodybuilder Flex Wheeler. Another situation is about another former bodybuilder Luke Wood.
The former American bodybuilder Flex Wheeler experienced kidney disorders. He submitted to a kidney transplant. Since he administered anabolic steroids, the media decided to demonize these medications for kidney failure of Flex Wheeler. Actually, Flex Wheeler had a hereditary kidney disease. Of course, intake of steroids contributed to the complications. But did Flex Wheeler apply steroids properly? Did he follow reasonable recommendations connected with doses and duration of usage? No, he didn’t. Flex Wheeler took too high measures of steroids. Moreover, he administered these products long period of time. In addition to these factors, the former American bodybuilder took also other medicines which had negative influence on his kidneys. So, anabolic steroids should not be demonized for Flex Wheeler’s disease.
As it has been already mentioned, another situation is connected with the former bodybuilder Luke Wood. His death followed after a kidney transplant, being a young person. The media also decided to demonize steroids in this situation. It was affirmed that anabolic steroids caused kidney dysfunctions in Luke Wood. But you should be informed that the bodybuilder used not only anabolic steroids. He administered also insulin, pain drugs, DNP and other medicines that influenced on the kidneys negatively. Thus, it is impossible to assure that steroids were responsible for his kidney failure and death.
According to many experts, if anabolic steroids are applied correctly, serious kidney disorders don’t occur.

понедельник, 24 декабря 2012 г.

Mark McGwire doesn’t have any chance to enter Hall of Fame

The American baseball player and coach Mark McGwire acknowledged that he had used anabolic steroids and HGH.
There are numerous points of view which are connected with the baseball player’s admission. According to numerous persons, Mark McGwire admitted to applying prohibited drugs because he wanted to return to professional baseball.
Being interviewed, the American baseball player and coach reported recently that it was a mistake to apply steroids. But he noted that he had applied steroids not for performance-enhancing effects. The American professional baseball player and coach claimed that he had applied steroids and HGH just for clinical purposes.
It is interesting to notice that when Mark McGwire admitted to applying prohibited products, his fans and other persons were not surprised at all. Why were not they surprised? They were aware of it. Some individuals revealed that Mark McGwire took steroids before he admitted. A FBI informant claimed that the American baseball player had bought Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Equipose and Winstrol from the steroid dealer Curtis Wenzlaff and used these drugs.
Another person that reported about application of steroids by Mark McGwire was the “godfather of steroids” Jose Canseco. He said that he injected Mark McGwire with anabolic steroids. But Jose Canseco was not the first person that helped Mark McGwire to apply anabolic steroids. Jay, Mark’s brother, was the first person who injected the baseball player with steroids.
Although Mark McGwire revealed that he had used anabolic steroids, he said nothing about statements provided by his brother, Jose Canseco and the FBI informant. He didn’t disclose whether these affirmations were true or not.
Mark McGwire says that he comprehends that he will never be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Furthermore, the admitted steroid user claims that he will never fight to be voted for the Hall of Fame. Mark McGwire expresses respect to all rules linked with baseball. He comprehends that those that have ever taken prohibited drugs must not enter the Hall of Fame.

Over 30 persons died because of contamination with fungal meningitis

More than 500 individuals were contaminated with fungal meningitis after they had used Methylprednisolone injections produced by the New England Compounding Center (NECC). Over 30 persons died from this condition. No one must have doubted that the contamination turned out to be a great tragedy for several individuals and their families. Nonetheless, anti-doping organizations tried to benefit from the situation. What did they do? They began to demonize anabolic steroids. It was noticed by the media that anabolic steroids could cause the life-threatening disease fungal meningitis.
Recently the Bay County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation linked with illicit manufacture of anabolic steroids. It learnt that anabolic steroids were produced by certain underground lab in unsterile conditions. The Bay County Sheriff’s Office reported that they conducted the investigation in order to prevent contamination with fungal meningitis in future. According to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office, if somebody applies anabolic steroids produced in unsterile conditions, he/she has a risk to get fungal meningitis.
Actually, the Bay County Sheriff’s Office displayed own ignorance linked with anabolic steroids and risks related to contamination with fungal meningitis. One may face fungal meningitis, if he/she applies products which are injected directly into the central nervous system. Methylprednisolone Acetate injections are introduced into the central nervous system. That’s why these contaminated corticosteroids led to the fungal meningitis outbreak. When it comes to anabolic steroids, they are not injected into the central nervous system. They are mainly introduced into muscles. That’s why it is impossible to face fungal meningitis while using anabolic steroids. If you apply anabolic steroids that are produced in unsterile conditions, you may get several side effects. But you will never face fungal meningitis while applying anabolic steroids for clinical or even for athletic needs.  
Thus, the fungal meningitis outbreak resulted from administration of contaminated Methylprednisolone Acetate injections was just a condition to blame anabolic steroids.  Note, please: Methylprednisolone Acetate is not an anabolic steroid. It is a corticosteroid.

вторник, 18 декабря 2012 г.

Tammy Thomas made decision to change her life

The former American female cyclist Tammy Thomas administered the steroid THG. As a result, she was banned from sports forever.
Tammy Thomas wanted to compete at the 2004 Olympics. That’s why the athlete decided to take performance-enhancing drugs in order to promote her performance and make her dreams related to the Olympics real. But since she was caught taking banned medications, she was not permitted to compete at the Olympics.
The American cyclist was charged with lying to the Grand Jury. She turned out to be targeted during the BALCO investigation. It was affirmed that Tammy Thomas didn’t say truth about usage of steroids and obtaining of THG. While she was charged with lying to the Grand Jury, she provided some arguments in order to defend herself against the accusations.
The cyclist claimed that she hadn’t applied any forbidden drug. In fact, she said truth. At that time THG was not enumerated on the list of banned products. It was considered to be just an unapproved new medicine. THG was developed by the scientist Patrick Arnold.
While the BALCO foundation sold THG to many sportspersons, it was affirmed that Tammy Thomas obtained this drug from Patrick Arnold. But the American cyclist denied this affirmation. Ultimately, she affirmed that Patrick Arnold’s former girlfriend supplied her with THG.
The arguments of Tammy Thomas were rejected. She was given a home detection of 6 months and probation of five years.
Tammy Thomas repented wholly. She admitted that she acted wrongly. So, she decided to alter her life. Being a religious person, Tammy Thomas believes that God has a plan related to her life. She claimed that she would do anything in order to live so, as God desires. She established a fitness center and decided to help others to keep their health.

Mariusz Wach failed drug test

It was declared by the German newspaper Bild that Mariusz Wach, a polish boxer, violated anti-doping policy. This sportsman tested positive for steroids. The drug testing was conducted before the fight between this athlete and Vladimir Klichko, an Ukrainian boxer and a world champion.
According to A-sample of Mariusz Wach, he applied steroids. Results of his B-sample are unknown.
It is interesting to note that the German newspaper Bild announced about the steroid positive of the polish boxer before it was done by the German Boxing Federation.  Mariusz Kolodziej, the promoter of the boxer Wach claims that it displays that the German Boxing Federation doesn’t do its job appropriately. It lacks professionalism completely.
What did Mariusz Wach say in order to defend himself? Actually, the polish boxer didn’t try to defend himself. He only claimed that he had never taken any anabolic steroids or other prohibited medications intentionally. The polish boxer even claimed that he didn’t know what he really applied. Mariusz Wach cared only about trainings and proper diets. As for supplements, they were chosen and provided by his trainers. Mariusz Wach trusted his trainers totally. He didn’t even ask which supplements were administered by him. The boxer decided to put the whole responsibility connected with supplements on his trainers and he was not interested in the nature of products that were given by his trainers.
Mariusz Wach didn’t intend to accuse his trainers of his steroid positive. He just disclosed the reality.
So, it is possible to suggest that Mariusz Wach has applied a contaminated dietary supplement. As you probably know, it happens quite frequently that sportspersons use nutrition supplements that turn out to contain steroidal compounds. Thus, problems begin.
If Mariusz Wach’s B-sample indicates that he has taken prohibited substances, he will be probably banned for one year. He will also have to pay a fine.

понедельник, 17 декабря 2012 г.

Teenagers don’t possess sufficient knowledge about steroids

You probably have read numerous articles about dangers linked with administration of steroids by 18-year old boys. It is often warned that those that are under 21 years old must not apply steroids for performance-enhancing effects. Usage of steroids by 18-year old guys is considered to be too dangerous for their health. But you should comprehend that there are also other conceptions. Several experts affirm that 18-year old guys may take anabolic steroids without any fear to face severe unwanted results. Teenagers are encouraged by such affirmations. They suppose that if they use steroids since the age of 18, they are likely to get obvious success in professional sports. Is it true? Although it is allowed for boys since the age of 18 years old to use anabolic steroids, it is better for them to avoid taking these drugs. Why? There are some reasons that are written below:

1. Adolescents don’t become professional sportspeople with the help of steroids.
Adolescents are informed that numerous professional sportsmen use anabolic steroids. Adolescents see that these individuals are successful. So, they suggest that athletes become successful with the help of steroid use. But this is a wrong conclusion. Anabolic steroids are not mysterious products which can make any person a professional athlete.

2. Adolescents don’t possess sufficient knowledge about steroids.
Since teenagers don’t possess knowledge about anabolic steroids, they take these products improperly. As a result, they don’t get wanted benefits; on the contrary, they may face serious adverse consequences.

3. Teenagers don’t accompany intake of steroids by appropriate workouts and diets.
Teenagers neglect to have appropriate workouts and diets during intake of anabolic steroids. They should realize that it is very important to have appropriate workouts and nutrition that are required for their athletic purposes.

Doping will be eliminated from cycling by Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The USADA wants to define whether you have ever administered steroids, EPO, HGH and/or other forbidden medicines. This fact may surprise you but the anti-doping organization doesn’t intend yet to stop the investigation connected with Lance Armstrong’s doping case. Thus, the investigation has not been ended. The USADA plans to investigate each cyclist. Especially suspected cyclists will be investigated.
The USADA wants to utilize the best methods in order to catch those that have ever administered forbidden substances. What is the best method to clean cycling of steroid use? The USADA tries to set and use the best methods. This anti-doping organization is even ready to compare eradication of steroid use in cycling with that in South Africa.
The USADA states that those that take anabolic steroids and other related substances should be punished. Consumers of anabolic steroids and/or other doping products are blamed as if they were criminals. They are frequently compared with those that commit violence and other serious crimes. Steroids are harshly blamed in the society. Thus, the USADA believes that if steroids and consumers of steroids are blamed, it will be easier to eradicate doping.
In fact, the USADA asks the International Cycling Association to institute a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The commission will investigate different cases related to doping. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will try to set why certain cyclists have used anabolic steroids and/or other doping products but remained undetectable.
Furthermore, the USADA promises that “amnesty” will be provided to those that admit to using anabolic steroids and/or other forbidden drugs, ask for forgiveness, repent and tell everything connected with doping to the anti-doping agency, team doctors, teammates, friends, etc. If a former steroid user says only truth, he will get the full amnesty. Thus, the USADA hopes to clean the sport of cycling wholly.
Travis Tygart, the CEO of the USADA, notes that there are some cyclists linked to Lance Armstrong that have remained undetectable. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission should identify them.

среда, 12 декабря 2012 г.

Application of steroids and Adderall in football

The National Football League is not allowed to disclose details, when players fail drug tests. It is just affirmed that certain individuals have been busted using forbidden medications. But the League must not disclose which substances have been used by these sportspersons. Thus, some football players lie about products that have caused positives.
Why do some football players choose to cheat about drugs which have been applied by them? Let explain.
Many football players who fail drug tests affirm that they have applied Adderall. Actually, they have used steroids. Why do they affirm that they have tested positive for Adderall? What is Adderall? This is a product that is taken to treat attention-deficit disorder. But this medication is taken not only for this medical purpose. Athletes and bodybuilders apply this medicine for athletic goals.
When it comes to steroids, they are harshly blamed. Numerous reporters, specialists, anti-doping officials and ordinary people say that these medicines are too dangerous. They may cause different serious undesirable consequences. Steroids are demonized even for certain crimes. But when it comes to Adderall, this product is not blamed in the society. So, a lot of football players try to prevent criticism. They don’t want to be demonized for application of such prohibited products, as steroids. Since consumers of Adderall are not criticized harshly, football players say that they have failed drug tests because they have taken Adderall.
A football player compared this situation with following cases: those who are caught with cocaine tell others that they have administered marijuana because cocaine is more harshly blamed than the last one.
You should not suggest that each football player that says that he has tested positive for Adderall has actually used anabolic steroids. But it is possible to conclude that those that take Adderall are less demonized than those that apply steroids.

Freddie Roach: it is necessary to get rid of strength and conditioning coaches to clean boxing

Freddie Roach is a well-known American trainer in boxing. He coaches the well-known boxer Manny Pacquiao. The trainer claims that he knows the best way to eradicate the problem of steroid use in boxing. According to this coach, strength and conditioning coaches should be demonized for application of steroids and other related preparations in this sport. He thinks that they teach boxers to administer doping products. So, the trainer Freddie Roach notes that it is needed to get rid of every strength and conditioning coach. It will lead to eliminating of doping from boxing.
What does Freddie Roach think about significant changes that have occurred in physique and performance of Juan Manuel Marquez. Actually, there are different points of view about this boxer and significant changes in him. Many individuals believe that he has administered steroids which have induced these changes in him. When it comes to Freddie Roach, he believes that Angel Guillermo Memo Heredia has provided anabolic steroids to Juan Manuel Marquez.
Memo Heredia is an admitted distributor of steroids. He acknowledged that he had provided steroids to numerous top athletes. Since he collaborated with federal prosecutors and revealed names of some sportspersons that used anabolic steroids, he was not charged with any crimes linked with distribution of anabolic steroids.
So, the trainer Freddie Roach believes that strength and conditioning coaches like Memo Heredia should be pushed from boxing. It is the best method to eradicate application of anabolic steroids and other related products from boxing.
It is interesting to note that Manny Pacquiao, Freddie Roach’s client, also has a strength coach. Does it mean that this famous boxer administers anabolic steroids and/or other related preparations? The trainer Freddie Roach thinks that the strength coach Alex Arizo doesn’t supply Manny Pacquiao with steroids.
Alex Arizo and Memo Heredia are friends. Thus, Alex Arizo puts efforts to defend his friend, claiming that Freddie Roach’s accusations are false. In fact, the trainer Freddie Roach says that he doesn’t like to pronounce any accusations linked with intake of anabolic steroids and other related medications. But he has to do it because this is the nature of boxing.
While Alex Arizo affirms that Memo Heredia doesn’t provide steroids to Marquez, Freddie Roach has own point of view. He continues to believe that Marquez is tainted. According to Freddie Roach, dramatic physical transformations of this athlete display that he administers steroids and/or other doping products.

воскресенье, 9 декабря 2012 г.

Moustafa Ismail is accused of steroid use

Moustafa Ismail, an Egyptian bodybuilder, has the largest arms in the world. He was recorded in the Guinness book of the world records. This person says that his large arms are natural. The bodybuilder says that he has the largest biceps in the world because he has very strict diets and trainings. Moustafa Ismail eats chickens, almonds and fish each day. Moustafa Ismail also consumes much water and protein shakes.
Although it is obvious that nutrition and trainings have significant role, a lot of people doubt about natural arms of Moustafa Ismail. It is hard to believe that proper trainings and nutrition can lead to such increase in arms. Which factors are responsible for the massive arms of the bodybuilder?
When it was announced that Moustafa Ismail’s arms were 32 inches, accusations related to usage of steroids appeared immediately. Certain individuals suggest that steroids are responsible for the massive arms of this guy. What did Moustafa Ismail affirm about application administration of anabolic steroids? He claimed that he had administered steroids while living in Egypt. Purchase and usage of these products are legal under laws of this country. These drugs are offered for sale at any pharmacy in Egypt. Moreover, anabolic steroids are not expensive there. But Moustafa Ismail noted that he had to stop taking these preparations, when he moved to the USA. It is know that purchase and administration of these medicines without a prescription are claimed to be illicit under laws of the US. These drugs are bought on the black market by those that use them in the US illegally. Thus, Moustafa Ismail discontinued taking these products after he moved to the USA.
But if even Moustafa Ismail uses anabolic steroids, it doesn’t matter because these drugs don’t enhance arms. They are not responsible for the bodybuilder’s large arms.
There are other remedies which can enhance arms. They are called “site enhancement oils” (SEO). Synthol is one of the most often taken SEO. This preparation is administered by bodybuilders. It is taken in order to increase muscles in circumference. Thus, it is supposed that Moustafa Ismail takes Synthol. However, Moustafa Ismail claims that he doesn’t take this product.
Moustafa Ismail claims that he is hurt by accusations related to anabolic steroids and Synthol. He has submitted to examination conducted by an independent doctor that hasn’t seen any abnormality in the arms of this guy. So, it is not clear whether the bodybuilder’s arms are natural or not.

Lance Armstrong should not be demonized for usage of doping products in cycling

Although you probably never heard about Scott Mercier, his affirmations linked with usage of steroids and other related drugs in professional cyclist spread very quickly. This sportsman belonged to the US Postal Cycling team prior to Lance Armstrong’s arrival. Some statements of Scott Mercier discovered the truth that was hidden in cycling.
In fact, the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) made incorrect conclusions linked with role of Lance Armstrong in doping. The famous American cyclist was accused and found guilty of intake of forbidden preparations throughout his cycling career. While it may be true, the USADA affirmed that Lance Armstrong induced doping in professional cycling. But these statements turned out to be wrong. Why? Which words were said by Scott Mercier?
Scott Mercier claimed that their team doctor Pedro Celaya had a special program for the US Postal Cycling team. He discussed about the program with every cyclist. The doctor said that they had to ride 200-250 km each day. Moreover, the doctor organized doping program that had to accompany trainings. Thus, he supplied US Postal Cycling team’s athletes with steroids, EPO and several other preparations.
These recommendations were offered by Pedro Celaya, when Lance Armstrong didn’t ride professionally. This sportsman experienced testicular cancer that time. There was no any doubt that this person would not be able to ride professionally. His cancer spread on other parts of his body, including brain. After this man experienced chemotherapy he got recovery. So, Lance Armstrong didn’t have any relation to the team. He didn’t promote taking doping products in professional cycling. It became obvious that doping was organized by Pedro Celaya before Lance Armstrong’s arrival.
During 1990s professional riders administered Andriol. Then they administered testosterone patches. Under guidelines of Pedro Celaya riders used the method of overdosing in order to avoid detection by anti-doping officers.

среда, 5 декабря 2012 г.

Melky Cabrera joins Toronto Blue Jays

Intake of anabolic steroids and some other remedies is prohibited in many sports organizations, including the Major League Baseball (MLB). Athletes who are caught administering banned preparations are sentenced to bans, fines, etc. However athletes know about these aspects, many of them continue applying anabolic steroids and/or other banned medications. As a result, some sportspersons spoil their athletic reputation entirely. Nevertheless, several sportspersons succeed, if even they are caught by anti-doping officers.
Let take the Dominican baseball player Melky Cabrera as an example. He played baseball for San Francisco Giants. He was claimed to be one of the best baseball players. It was believed that he induced winning obviously. But after he tested positive for a steroid, he was sentenced to a 50-game suspension.
Melky Cabrera put efforts to modify the decision and appealed it. He said that a dietary supplement caused his positive. Some individuals tried to help him in that situation. Thus, a fake site was formed. An advertisement for a contaminated supplement was posted. But the trick was unmasked. The baseball player had to serve the ban.
While he served the suspension, the San Francisco Giants understood that they could win without him.
Recently Melky Cabrera obtained a $16 million contract. He will play for the Toronto Blue Jays.
 As you see, usage of steroids couldn’t destroy the athletic career of the Dominican baseball player. He continues to play baseball professionally and earn great sums of money.
This is only an example that manifests that application of banned products doesn’t destruct athletic careers in several cases.

Myogenix misled DEA and customers

Dietary supplements companies frequently market anabolic steroids as nutrition supplements. So, they sell these illicit medicines. They deceive the Drug Enforcement Administration and customers that obtain such products. As a result, some athletes test positive for forbidden substances while they affirm that they have never applied any steroid or another prohibited preparation. Dietary supplements companies should be punished for such situations.
For example, Myogenix is a dietary supplement company that is in California. This company admitted that they sold a synthetic steroid which was labeled as a dietary supplement. It was named Spawn. It was composed of the following ingredients: 19-Norandrosta-4,9 diene-3,17 dione and 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyletioallocholanol. Thus, the supplement Spawn consisted of two steroids but it was marketed as a dietary supplement.
Myogenix admitted that they had sold Spawn between 2007 and 2009. The company was enforced to pay a fine of $500.000. Moreover, Myogenix forfeited $100.000 immediately.
According to the decision of the court, products manufactured and sold by this company will be tested for 5 years by an independent organization. All new dietary supplements should be controlled carefully and approved by the FDA before the company may sell them.
Actually, the company Myogenix should thank the defense attorney Rick Collins who has defended the company. He defended the owners and other stuff of the company efficaciously. Nobody was sentenced to imprisonment. This lawyer was hired to defend also other companies that were linked to the website These companies also were sentenced just to fines and money seizures.