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вторник, 21 февраля 2012 г.

However many wrestlers use anabolic steroids, these drugs are not responsible for deaths of these persons

The Road Warriors, a professional wrestling tag team, were first that introduced bodybuilding-type muscularity in this sport. This tag team was composed of Hawk (Mike Hegstrand) and Animal (Joe Laurinaitis). Hegstrand died in 2003. The death of this person was sudden because of a heart attack. This professional wrestler died at the age of 46. As it is known, popular media usually reports about deaths of professional wrestlers, connecting the cases with intake of anabolic steroids. The death of Hegstrand was not an exception. After the death of this professional wrestler a lot of articles appeared in newspapers that blamed anabolic steroids for this case.
Joe “Animal” Laurinaitis admitted to intake of steroids by this wrestling team. But he confirmed that these medicines hadn’t lead to Hegstrand’s death. He added that other factors were responsible for Hegstrand’s death as well as deaths of other wrestlers. This person pointed out that such drugs, as cocaine and Xanax had to be demonized for such cases. Laurinaitis confirmed that he desired to explain that steroids had not been connected with death of Hegstrand.
Joe Laurinaitis noted that cocaine and Xanax had contributed in the death of this wrestler. He also announced that these drugs caused deaths of such people, as Henning, Rick Rude and Davey Boy Smith. According to Joe Laurinaitis, intake of cocaine frequently leads to administration of morphine. These drugs destruct health totally and cause heart attacks.
Why must words of Laurinaitis be true? He was in Australia with Hegstrand. He knows about what he speaks. Lately this person collaborated with Andrew William Wright to say about his experiences with “Hawk”.

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