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вторник, 15 мая 2012 г.

Roger Clemens’ steroid case may lead to federal war on steroids

Mike Wallace, a celebrated investigative reporter, who was one of the initial correspondents of CBS’ 60 Minutes died, when he was 93 years old. This journalist hosted capturing interviews with world well-known figures. The most recent stories were connected with the baseball star Roger Clemens and accusations connected with application of anabolic steroids and HGH by this sportsperson. Mike Wallace’s last appearance on TV was linked with this case.
The interview with Roger Clemens about steroids was broadcast in January, 2008. Rusty Hardin, the defense attorney for Roger Clemens, arranged the appearing of this baseball star in the Show 60 Minutes. Roger Clemens had to defense himself against accusations of his former personal coach Brian McNamee. This trainer accused Roger Clemens in application of anabolic steroids and HGH. He collaborated with investigators of Mitchell Report, when they tried to find out the widespread of steroid use in the Major League Baseball.
Wallace didn’t enforce Clemens to tell that he applied steroids. He just convinced him to prove to others that he had administered neither steroids, nor HGH. Roger Clemens claimed that he would pull a tractor with his teeth, if he had used steroids.
The interview of Clemens was an unsuccessful public relations ploy for the attorney Rusty Hardin. It was not the best interview. But it renewed the interest after Wallace had died.
Actually, Wallace hosted much more interesting interviews during his career. The steroid interview with Roger Clemens was not the most interesting. Why did it draw all persons’ attention?
Other interviews of Wallace are quite interesting. Wallace made an interview with the lawyer of the president Richard Nixon and the assistant to the president for Domestic Affairs John Ehrlichman during the Watergate scandal. Wallace defined the Watergate scandal as “perjury”. He listed such methods of Richard Nixon, as thefts, spying, obstruction of justice, etc. The scandal led to resignation of the president.
Wallace arranged also an interview with the Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Wallace named him a “lunatic”. But he was quoting the president Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt.
Another individual who was interviewed by Wallace was the Vice President of Research and Development at a tobacco company. Jeffrey Wigand acknowledged during the interview that executives of the company lied before the Congress about their knowledge linked with nature of nicotine.
However these interviews were significant, a lot of people directed their attention to insignificant interview with the former baseball player Roger Clemens. It may be because while lying of Roger Clemens before the Congress can lead to federal struggle against steroids, the war on nicotine will never take place.

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