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понедельник, 4 февраля 2013 г.

Angel “Memo” Hernandez invented methods to add muscles legally

Any fan noted that the body of the American boxer Juan Manuel Marquez had been changed significantly. What led to such essential changes in the athlete?
Since Juan Manuel Marquez is connected with the admitted steroid dealer Angel “Memo” Hernandez, many individuals suspect that the boxer’s muscles have been increased because of steroids and/or other related preparations. Angel “Memo” Hernandez is the strength coach of Juan Manuel Marquez. This man was connected with the BALCO scandal. As it was learnt, this individual supplied numerous top sportspersons with steroids and other related medicines. He provided information about certain sportspersons that obtained forbidden drugs from him.
Finding out that Angel “Memo” Hernandez has been a distributor of steroids, many individuals suppose that he provides performance-enhancing drugs to Juan Manuel Marquez. Some suspicions and even accusations were expressed by Freddie Roach, Manny Pacquiao’s trainer. Freddie Roach claimed that it would be well to subject the both fighters Juan Manuel Marquez and Manny Pacquiao to testing before the match.
In fact, Freddie Roach didn’t have any proof. He focused just on enhanced muscles of Juan Manuel Marquez.
Later Manny Pacquiao’s trainer affirmed that he didn’t mean anything serious. He said that he was just joking.
Angel “Memo” Hernandez noted that he was not only a coach. Since he is a scientist, he knows a lot of things. He knows the best ways to acquire muscle mass and add strength. Angel “Memo” Hernandez says that he knows the methods to do it legally. No any illegal substance is included in his methods. But he refuses to disclose his methods. The coach says that this is a secret.
As for Juan Manuel Marquez, he claimed that he never administered any banned product. He underlined that it was not drugs which caused his dramatic transformation. Furthermore, he specified that weight was not the most important factor while fighting. According to him, a fighter should possess intelligence, speed and strength in order to win.
Neither Juan Manuel Marquez, nor Manny Pacquiao was subjected to testing for prohibited substances before the fight. Such tests are commonly conducted by the Nevada State Athletic Commission after fights.

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