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вторник, 11 сентября 2012 г.

Musician Sheryl Craw had to be questioned as part of investigation linked with Lance Armstrong

The cyclist Lance Armstrong was accused of doping. It was suspected that the sportsperson had used EPO and other forbidden preparations.
Numerous individuals provided their testimonies in the court during the investigation related to Lance Armstrong’s case. A former girlfriend of the athlete was also targeted. She had to appear in the court. Certain sports journalists noticed that the musician Sheryl Crow had been interviewed by feds.
The athlete Lance Armstrong and the musician Sheryl Crow were claimed to be one of the most famous couples. They spent much time together. The musician lived with the seven-time winner of Tour de France in Spain. The musician travelled with the athlete during his workouts. They were engaged, when the cyclist won Tour de France the 7th time.
Lance Armstrong’s former teammates Floyd Landis and Tyler Hamilton noted that Lance Armstrong had taken forbidden medicines. They also claimed that the athlete had been the leader of a doping group. Furthermore, Floyd Landis and Tyler Hamilton noticed that Armstrong’s apartment had been full of equipment used for application of forbidden medications. These persons were going to testify against Lance Armstrong. They noticed that the cyclist had won Tour de France 7 times because of banned medications.
As for Armstrong’s girlfriend Sheryl Crow, she didn’t appear in the court because the case against the cyclist was dropped prior to the hearing.
While the government dropped the case, the USADA continued to prosecute the former cyclist. As a result, Lance Armstrong forfeited his titles. He was also banned from sports for the whole life. Fortunately, his charity against cancer was not destroyed. Sponsors continue to support him and donate. Although his titles are stripped, Lance Armstrong is appreciated because he helps numerous people that fight against cancer.

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