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понедельник, 29 октября 2012 г.

Teenagers should know that steroids affect brain

Leslie Henderson worries about teenagers. She is troubled because numerous adolescents use anabolic steroids which may be dangerous for them. These drugs may make adolescents aggressive. Moreover, steroids may affect various systems of users. According to Leslie Henderson, the most dangerous aspect related to usage of these medicines by adolescents is following: these preparations influence on the brain negatively. They affect not only functions of the brain; they also change the way it works.
Anabolic steroids have been elaborated in order to treat several health disorders. These products are able to induce development of secondary male characteristics in males with delayed puberty. They have ability to prevent muscle wasting in persons that suffer from HIV/AIDS and other diseases. But these preparations are also widely abused. They are used for increase of muscle mass and strength. When doctors recommend applying steroids to cure certain health problems, they indicate relatively decreased dosages which don’t produce grave adverse results. When these drugs are administered for performance-enhancing effects, measures are increased. But it is important to know that high dosages may cause serious undesirable reactions.
Non-therapeutic application of steroids is very dangerous for adolescents. Their systems have not been yet developed. That’s why these products may cause irreversible changes in them. Steroids may destroy their physical as well psychological health of adolescents. As a result, adverse results of steroids are manifested in them not only during adolescence but also when they grow up. If adult individuals abuse steroids, they usually don’t suffer from such prolonged grave undesirable effects, as teenagers experience. That’s why Leslie Henderson and other experts confirm that it is necessary to warn teenagers about negative influence of steroids on them. They should know about all probable dangers. If teenagers know about dangerous side consequences of steroids, they will probably discontinue using these medications for improvement of appearance and performance.

Scientists find new treatment strategies which could be useful in case of obesity

A new research has demonstrated that glucocorticosteroids promote developing fat deposits. These substances have direct influence on androgen receptors that are responsible for decrease body fat levels.
This study is especially precious in our era, when a lot of individuals suffer from obesity. According to affirmations of several scientists, it is necessary to reduce amount of glucocorticosteroids in order to prevent or cure obesity.
When specialists conducted this research, they had the following goal: they attempted to comprehend ways, causes and stages of development of fat deposits. Basing upon results of the study, the specialists have affirmed that androgen receptors should be activated in order to reduce fat accumulation. So, obesity could be cured even at the early stages of development.
The androgen testosterone binds itself to androgen receptors. Thus, androgen receptors become able to control creation of muscle mass, increase lean muscles, etc.
According to the researchers, glucocorticosteroids lower activity of androgen receptors. So, they become ineffective to control creation of muscle mass and decrease of fat accumulation. That’s why fat deposits increase especially in abdominal area.
The scientists say that this study is capable to promote elaborating new ways to cure and prevent obesity. The new methods will be related to glucocorticosteroids and androgen receptors.

вторник, 23 октября 2012 г.

British people are not allowed to purchase steroids per internet

British citizens are not allowed to order steroids at online drug stores. Importation of steroids into the UK is claimed to be illegal under a new amendment to the steroid law. Those that live in the UK and import steroids into the country are punished. But Britons may freely buy, possess and administer steroids.
According to the “personal custody”, those who arrived to London for the 2012 Olympics were allowed to import steroids for personal administration. It was not claimed to be illegal under British laws. Nevertheless, those that live inside the UK don’t have any right to purchase steroids at online pharmacies and import them from other countries to the UK.
Earlier British citizens were allowed to acquire steroids from outside the country. The amendment was presented by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) in order to protect health of steroid users. But could the amendment do it?
Numerous underground labs produce anabolic steroids inside the UK. They prosper because of the amendment. But it is important to consider that many underground labs manufacture counterfeit steroids. So, British citizens have to acquire steroids of low quality because it is banned to import steroids that are produced outside the country by safe pharmaceutical companies.
The government informed Needle-Syringe Program (NSP) workers that they would have to work more. It was claimed that the amendment would raise the number of steroid users.
Actually, the amendment is likely to influence on health of steroid users negatively. Steroid-using sportspersons and bodybuilders may get serious side results because they switch from quality steroids produced by trustworthy pharmaceutical companies to worse medicines produced by underground labs located in the UK.

Feds: desire to be muscular causes addiction

Federal prosecutors don’t possess sufficient knowledge about anabolic steroids, however they pursue those who produce, administer and/or distribute these drugs. They don’t read scientific literature about these drugs. The government utilizes information that is presented in Wikipedia. However feds speak about unwanted results of steroids, they don’t know about these aspects sufficiently. Citing statements about steroids written in Wikipedia, they punish users/manufacturers/distributors of these medications, affirming that these medications represent evil.
Some important questions appear here: Is it fair to base upon statements presented in Wikipedia in such situations? Are these statements true? Aren’t they exposed to manipulations? Aren’t they mixed with personal opinions of contributors?
Maurice Hall, the associate professor of communication and culture at Villanova University, claims that it is not reasonable to base completely upon statements written in Wikipedia. He says that Wikipedia serves an excellent guide for footnotes. But statements presented in Wikipedia may be not true completely.
For example, when John Isaac Hudelson was sentenced to jail, federal prosecutors based their conclusions connected with illegal deals of this person upon statements cited from Wikipedia. Feds claimed that Hudelson would be sentenced 47-54 months in prison because he took and distributed steroids. Stephen Greubel, the defense attorney for Hudelson, confirmed that 47-54 months in prison were too much for his client. He claimed that Hudelson distributed steroids, products which differed from such drugs, as amphetamine, methamphetamine, codeine, morphine, etc. The defense attorney for Hudelson noticed that steroids didn’t cause addiction.
Feds noted that John Isaac Hudelson manufactured, took and distributed steroids to his friends. They affirmed that while steroids didn’t cause addiction, desire to be muscular could be addictive. Furthermore, they added that steroids could lead to serious adverse results. All affirmations of feds were based upon those presented in Wikipedia.
Ultimately, the government sent Isaac John Hudelson to 37 months in jail.

среда, 17 октября 2012 г.

Methods to use steroids and remain undetectable

Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle have written a book on administration of EPO and anabolic steroids. Recommendations presented in the book can serve as a proof that the cyclist Lance Armstrong applied forbidden medicines. The book has the following title: “The Secret Race: Inside the Hidden World of the Tour de France: Doping, Cover-ups, and Winning at all Costs”. The book contains tips linked with administration of EPO and steroids in cycling and ways to avoid detection. It demonstrates that drug testing is not efficient in this sport.
Tyler Hamilton affirms that sportspersons can take steroids without being detected. He notices that the WADA doesn’t have any possibility to win. Hamilton describes weakness of the WADA in testing athletes for prohibited preparations.
According to Hamilton, it is easy to avoid detection while applying EPO. It is necessary to apply the procedure “microdosing”. What does it actually mean? Athletes should not introduce 2,000 Units of EPO subcutaneously every 3-4 days. They should inject 400-500 Units of EPO each 3rd or 4th night into veins. This method is named “microdosing”. Utilizing this way of administration, sportspeople can avoid detection without any significant effort.
Since microdosing is a suitable method to avoid detection while administering EPO, this way must be proper in case of steroid use as well. So, Tyler Hamilton supposes that cyclists and other athletes can avoid detection while using anabolic steroids. He provides tips related to this issue in details in the book.  Hamilton explains how it is possible to hit tests of anti-doping system.
In fact, it is unlikely that guidelines presented in Tyler’s book will change nature of cycling. While elaboration of the biological passport by anti-doping agencies can’t stop doping, introduction of microdosing into intake of EPO doesn’t represent the new beginning of doping in cycling. Recommendations of Hamilton may modify only the essence of doping in this sport. Intake of doping products is a part of cycling. Let notice the truth. Like there is no Santa Claus, there is no clean sport at the high level.

Classification of steroids

There are three groups of steroids: corticosteroids, estrogens and progestogens, and anabolic-androgenic steroids.
Nature of corticosteroids is similar to that of hormones produced in the adrenal cortex. Corticosteroids may be in form of creams, ointment, inhalation medications, etc. They are indicated in case of inflammations, allergy, dysfunctions of respiratory, nervous, musculoskeletal and other systems.
Estrogens and progestogens are female sex hormones. These hormones promote developing female secondary characteristics. Birth control tablets contain these compounds.
Anabolic-androgenic steroids are medications which are also widely used in medicine. They are able to treat several types of breast cancer, testicular cancer, anemia, etc. These preparations are frequently recommended to get better and faster recovery after several surgeries. Burn victims, patients with HIV/AIDS administer anabolic-androgenic steroids in order to avoid muscle wasting. Certain steroids are also prescribed for treatment of osteoporosis. These drugs are also prescribed in case of infertility.
Furthermore, anabolic-androgenic steroids are used for athletic needs. These preparations can stimulate muscle growth and promote enhancing energy. That’s why a lot of athletes and bodybuilders take them for performance-enhancing effects. Several anabolic-androgenic steroids can also burn fat, making muscles hard.
Intake of anabolic-androgenic steroids for non-medical purposes is illegal under laws of certain countries. Those who manufacture, distribute, purchase and administer these drugs illegally may be sentenced to jail and/or fines. These drugs belong to illegal substances in certain countries because they may lead to various undesirable consequences. While several unwanted reactions are mild and disappear after discontinuation of usage, others are dangerous and even irreversible. Those that desire to obtain positive effects, applying steroids for clinical needs, should apply these preparations under recommendations of physicians.

вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

Anna Watson made correct decision

When it is mentioned about cheerleaders, we imagine active and slim women. But we have to realize that sometimes the reality differs from our imagination. The cheerleader Anna Watson is an example in this case. She has great muscles. But she is very beautiful.
A fitness modeling agency offered her a $75000 contract. But she didn’t agree to obtain it. Actually, it is surprisingly because numerous ladies want to obtain such contracts. But she didn’t want to get it because she had to take steroids for this purpose.
When Anna Watson began to study at Hawaii Pacific University, she started weight lifting. The lady trained hardly and consumed about 3000 calorie per day. Ultimately she was able to lift 230 pounds. But her weight was not enough to get a modeling fitness contract. However she consumed much protein, she could not get needed pounds.
A modeling agent said that the steroid Anavar could help her to enhance weight. Anna Watson needed to add 50 pounds in order to get the contract. So, she began to take Anavar in order to add body mass. She was eating “forever”, even if she wasn’t’ hungry. Despites of her efforts, nutrition regimen and administration of Anavar, she was not able to add 50 pounds. She added just 10 pounds.
Anna Watson is a religious person. She belongs to a local church. Ultimately, she made a decision to ask a weight lifting champion for advice. Hugh Kirby that is also a member of the church has recommended her to be far from application of steroids. He mentioned that these drugs could lead to different negative reactions. This man also noted that steroids could cause infertility. Thus, Hugh Kirby confirmed that it would be better to refuse the contract instead of getting health troubles, especially infertility.
So, Anna Watson didn’t agree to get the contract. But she decided not to leave her trainings. She desires to become a personal trainer.
Actually, Anna Watson made a proper decision. It is reasonable to keep female features without a modeling contract instead of having the contract and experiencing virilizing effects on account of steroid use.

It is necessary to punish steroid dealers

However it is illegal to sell anabolic steroids in certain countries, several steroid dealers are not punished appropriately. For example, lately two individuals that sold steroids illegally didn’t go to jail. They were sentenced just to work certain hours. Although these persons advertised and sold steroids per internet, they avoided imprisonment successfully. These individuals sold drugs that could destroy health of users. That’s why they had to be punished more harshly.
A lot of customers of steroids don’t know anything about dangers connected with them. They don’t know that administration of steroids may cause some health problems. It is necessary to take into account that certain steroids are aromatizable. It means that they may turn into estrogen, enhancing levels of this hormone. As a result, male users of such steroids may experience gynecomastia, abnormal fat distribution, water retention, etc. Undoubtedly, gynecomastia is very unpleasant effect for males. Sometimes it can’t be cured with medications. Thus, it may require an operation.
Some steroids are dangerous for women. They may lead to effects of maculinization in them. So, certain women that use androgenic steroids have deep voice, excessive hair growth on the body, baldness, menstrual problems, infertility, etc.
A lot of steroids may influence on liver negatively. They may lead to liver diseases. If anyone has had liver problems before intake of steroids, these preparations may lead to severer complications.
Nevertheless, nobody can doubt about benefits which can be acquired owing to intake of steroids. These products promote developing new muscle tissues. They also increase existing muscles. Furthermore, these products help to add strength. Certain steroids promote fat loss, making muscle more distinctive.
However possible positive effects of steroids are great, it is necessary to consider possible side consequences. It is stated that steroids may cause depression and uncontrolled aggressiveness. Thus, some consumers of these products commit various crimes. While certain users may commit suicides, others violate, murder other individuals.
Steroids may cause also other negative effects which are not listed in the article. People should know what they take. Those who distribute these medicines illegally should be sentenced appropriately.

понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

Steroid use is dangerous in football

A lot of articles note about intake of steroids in baseball. Sportswriters and reporters describe steroid scandals which occur in this sport. It is often discussed about steroid era in baseball. MLB players are required to submit to many drug tests. It seems that each person interested in sports demonizes baseball players for application of performance-enhancing drugs. Do only baseball players administer steroids and other related products? What do you believe about football players? Do they dope? Why do we demonize only baseball players for usage of banned medications?
Application of doping products is widespread among football players. Since 1960s intake of performance-enhancing drugs plays a significant role in this sport. It is impossible to imagine football without usage of steroids and other related medications.
Strength and size are important features in football. Certain persons believe that football players possess great strength just because of hard trainings and suitable diets. But it is a wrong opinion. A lot of football players administer forbidden substances in order to add strength and enhance muscle size.
As you see, usage of forbidden preparations is widespread in football. Nevertheless, baseball players are more harshly blamed for usage of steroids and other related medicines. Such baseball players, as Jose Canseco, Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds were subjected to public shame because of steroid use. But such football players, as Lyle Alzado, Shawne Merriman, Chris Cooper and Thomas Romanowski, also administered forbidden preparations. Nonetheless, they were not so widely blamed, as dopers in baseball.
Furthermore, it is necessary to take in consideration that usage of steroids is related to more risks in football.
It is confirmed that football is unlikely to be cleaned from doping.

Teenagers get health problems because of steroid use

Adolescents’ addiction to anabolic steroids becomes a significant problem today. Why do teenagers use these drugs? They do it in order to increase their muscles, lower fat deposits and make muscles hard. They desire to make their bodies more attractive. In fact, teenagers take these remedies because they want to look like models, sports stars and heroes. Since teenagers want to be celebrated so, as well-known athletes are, they put efforts to improve their physique and performance with anabolic steroids.
But teens don’t take into account certain important aspects under this circumstance. Firstly, professional sportspeople and bodybuilders ask specialists for directions. So, physicians indicate how they should use steroids. That’s why usage of anabolic steroids by celebrated athletes is relatively safe. As for adolescents, they don’t know what they take; they don’t know how steroids should be used. Secondly, the process of development is not over in adolescents. That’s why steroids may be dangerous for them. Anabolic steroids may destroy functions of reproductive, cardiovascular and other systems in adolescents.
Unluckily, many teenagers take anabolic steroids. Some surveys of the Michigan University show that the number of steroid users in high schools continues to grow.
Moreover, it is not a problem to purchase these products. High schools students obtain steroids without essential efforts.
As a result, some teenagers become addicted to steroids. While several teenagers try to cease applying these medicines, they can’t do it. Actually, it is quite difficult to escape from this addiction. Addicted steroid users can’t stop administering these drugs without help of high-qualified specialists. They should stay in special centers of rehabilitation where well-trained experts help them to get rid of the addiction.
It is important to educate teenagers about dangers connected with anabolic steroids. Teenagers must know not just about positive effects of these medicines. They should be taught also about side consequences of these products. If schoolchildren and high school students are not informed about disadvantages of steroids, they will apply these medicines. Finally, their systems will be damaged. If the society doesn’t care about teens, they will get numerous health troubles.

среда, 3 октября 2012 г.

Efficacy of new methods introduced by anti-doping officers

While athletes that dope find new ways to avoid detection, anti-doping agencies create new techniques in order to catch those who apply prohibited products. One of new techniques elaborated into anti-doping system is biological passport. It helps to set whether an athlete has doped. The biological passport measures several biomarkers which may indicate whether an individual has used certain medicines. Thus, it can measure hemoglobin levels. Unexplained low or high hemoglobin levels may indicate doping. Thus, the biological passport defines physical changes which play great role in detection.
It is clear that anti-doping policy becomes more advanced. It introduces new tools to catch dopers and make sports free from doping.
If you compare drug tests that have been used earlier with those which are utilized nowadays, you may understand that the difference is great. Anti-doping efforts are great. Drug testing becomes more advanced.
It was also introduced a test for detection of CERA. This preparation was initially created in order to cure anemia connected with kidney disorders. Since earlier there was not any drug test which could define metabolites of this substance, Rashid Ramzi of Bahrain avoided detection at the Beijing Olympics. Recently his sample was re-tested by this new test. Anti-doping officials determined that this sportsman had applied CERA. As a result, he was stripped of his awards.
Earlier it was difficult and even quite impossible to catch those who applied HGH. Lately a blood test for this preparation was also elaborated.
Another new drug test, known as Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, was also lately developed. This test helps to define whether testosterone has been applied from outsides or it has been secreted in the body naturally.
So, anti-doping system is more sophisticated today. Anti-doping officers suggest that they will be capable to make sports free from administration of performance-enhancing drugs.

Doping is inseparable part of sports

The American cyclist Lance Armstrong never tested positive for any forbidden substance. But he lost his seven Tour de France titles because the USADA suspected him of doping.
You may notice that usage of banned preparations is considered to be an ultimate sin of competitive athletes. They are sentenced to ban from competitions, if they are found guilty or only suspected of doping.
For example, the British runner Dwain Chambers was banned because he tested positive for tetrahydrogestrinone. This sportsman affirmed that he was not the only Olympic  sprinter that used steroids. According to his statements, many sprinters of the US racing team took prohibited medicines.
Certain individuals are probably bothered by reading articles about war on administration of prohibited medications in sports. It seems that the fight never ends. Although anti-doping agencies put unbelievable efforts in order to eradicate doping from competitive sports, numerous athletes continue taking banned drugs. It is impossible to eradicate doping. It seems that it is better to legalize doping. Let sportspeople use whatever they desire!
Sportspeople break more breathtaking records from one year to another. It may require to measure thousandths of a second in order to determine who the winner is. It seems that it will be impossible to notice with a naked eye the fastest athletes. That’s why certain specialists fear that it will be very difficult to keep sports interesting.
Some experts recognize that anti-doping systems fail. Sportspersons who have never tested positive for any banned medicine are banned. Drug tests are not capable to promote catching those that use steroids and/or other doping products.
Doping reigns in sports. Almost every athlete that won Tour de France was involved in a doping case.
Fans have great expectations. Athletes should push their bodies till the limits in order to win. They have to use steroids and/or other doping products in order to keep their reputations and not disappoint fans. The society should be blamed for athletes’ doping. Not only athletes should be blamed for administration of banned products. The society makes such culture where athletes can’t win without application of certain medicines. That’s why it is necessary to discontinue demonizing athletes. It is better to allow doping in sports. Every sport must compose own list of banned medications. Only drugs that are harmful to certain sport itself should be banned. Let take boxing as an example. This sport should ban just those products that remove fear because removing of fear in this sport is against its nature.

вторник, 2 октября 2012 г.

Abbott Laboratories enhanced its profits because of doping case linked with Barry Bonds

One may believe that steroid scandals must have negative influence on pharmaceutical companies that produce these medicines. But manufacturers of these products find methods to take advantages of certain steroid scandals. So, pharmaceutical companies utilize them in order to promote selling own drugs.
Let take as an example the doping case related to the former baseball player Barry Bonds. However one may suggest that this steroid scandal must suppress purchase of some preparations, the reality has manifested opposite things. The pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories could avail itself of the case. The company found many opportunities to promote selling transdermal testosterone because of the accusations linked with Barry Bonds’ doping.
It was stated that Barry Bonds applied the transdermal testosterone product “AndroGel”. Of course, numerous sportswriters published articles about this case. The pharmaceutical company Abbott Laboratories used this public situation and began to advertise this product. Many Barry Bonds’ fans started purchasing and utilizing this gel. This situation influenced on profits of the company essentially. According to certain sources, the profits of Abbott Laboratories turned out to be great.
Testosterone products are widely recommended and taken. Numerous persons apply them for hormone replacement therapy. The number of steroid prescriptions has increased by 90 % during last five years. So, the number of those that take steroids is growing.
Abbott Laboratories produces and sells the transdermal testosterone product “AndroGel”. Since other companies saw that testosterone gel was in high demand, they also began to manufacture it. So, such preparations, as  AndroDream and Axiron, appeared. While AndroDream is sold by Watson Pharmaceuticals, Axiron is produced by Eli Lilly.
Pharmaceutical companies promote selling their products. They claim that steroids have positive influence on men’s health. It goes without any saying that any company sees that since many men have insufficient secretion of testosterone and since these medicines are taken for obtaining of muscle mass and endurance, the number of potential customers is great.

Findings linked with application of inhaled corticosteroids

Inhaled corticosteroids are medications which are applied in case of asthma by children and adults. Individuals that experience mild, moderate and severe asthma use these drugs each day. These drugs prevent inflammation of the airways. Doctors supervise patients with this disease, regulating dosage schedule each 6 weeks.
Unfortunately, inhaled corticosteroids, like other drugs, may lead to negative reactions. Regular administration of these medicines is connected with several risks. Is there any way for persons with asthma to avoid these problems?
A recent study has displayed that physicians should not recommend using these medicines daily to individuals with mild-to-moderate asthma. This study turned out to be very valuable. It is likely to change guidelines connected with treatment of asthma.
The study was conducted by doctors of the Texas Medical Brach in Galveston. The physician William Calhoun and his colleagues enrolled 340 individuals with asthma in the research. Some individuals received inhaled corticosteroids daily; others applied these preparations, when symptoms of asthma attacks appeared. Bronchial reactivity and functions of lungs were measured by the doctors during nine months. The results of the study demonstrated that there was not any essential difference between these two groups.
According to the scientists, if inhaled corticosteroids are taken, when symptoms occur, exacerbation can be prevented. Furthermore, these preparations have long action. It means that benefits are felt even several days after application. The specialists suggest that these medications may be administered by persons with mild-to-moderate asthma only when symptoms appear.
Why is this study valuable? According to certain sources, 25 million Americans experience asthma. Of course, they should be treated. This piece of news must be valuable for them. Furthermore, if inhaled steroids are used prolonged period of time, they may cause serious adverse consequences, such as hormonal imbalance, cataract, etc. So, if persons that experience mild-to-moderate asthma don’t take these products each day, they are more unlikely to get these adverse effects.
Of course, it is early to change recommendations connected with treatment of asthma. But this research may serve as a basis for further researches that may lead to certain changes.