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вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

Famous tennis players: more drug testing should take place

Significant changes occurred in some types of sports after the USADA published its dossier on Lance Armstrong. The legendary American cyclist was using steroids and other related medications throughout the entire cycling career but he never tested positive for any banned substance. He utilized several efficacious ways to remain undetectable. Nevertheless, finally he turned out to be guilty of doping.
Lance Armstrong’s doping case has demonstrated that anti-doping policies failed. So, they must be altered. Otherwise, competitions will not be fair. We’ll never see real sports stars.
These aspects influenced not only on cycling but also on other sports. Certain sports organizations stated that anti-doping programs should be altered in order to catch those that use steroids and/or other related products.
Not only anti-doping officers but also athletes claim that anti-doping programs must be altered. Certain sportspeople want to be sure that their sport is clean. For example, some tennis players believe that more drug testing should take place in tennis. It is necessary to notice that such tennis stars, as Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and Andy Murray, consider that anti-doping policy is not quite efficacious in tennis. They argue that more drug testing is required in order to assure that tennis is free of doping.
The Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic said that he would submit to more drug testing in order to promote cleaning tennis of dopers.
The Swiss tennis player Roger Federer also confirmed that more tests for banned substances should take place in tennis. He noticed that earlier he was subjected to more tests. Then the number of tests became lower in tennis.
When it comes to the Scottish tennis player Andy Muray, he said that more out-of-competition testing should be conducted. While tennis players are always tested during competitions, they are not tested often while being not in competitions.

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